Khoja Mumin Salt Moutain

The salt mountain of Khoja Mumin is located in the south of Tajikistan, 25 kilometres southwest of Kulob the shore of the Yakhsu River in Vose district. Khoja Mumin in shape resembles a giant dome, towering 900 m above the surrounding plain (absolute height 1332 m). It is visible from kilometers away. The residents of […]
Bartang Valley

This a saying about Bartang, which is popular in the Pamir refers to the unique nature, location, and culture of the people of remote Bartang valley in Rushon district of the GBAO. Geographically, the narrow valley starts from Rushon and widens in its upper part reaching the Eastern Pamir. The road to the Bartang valley […]
Durumkul Lake

Durumkul lake is located approximately 80km to the east of Khorog, and 38 kilometres from the centre of Roshtqala district. Durumkul is situated at an altitude of 3345m above sea level. The lake was founded when the streams of Durumdara and Shokhdara rivers were blocked by the earthquake. The climate in Durumkul is semi-arid. The […]
Peak Engels & Meadow

Peak Engels is located in the central part of the Shohdara in the south-west of the Pamirs in Tajikistan with a height of 6,510 m. The peak was discovered by the Russian explorers at the end of 19th century and named after Empress Mariya (wife of Emperor Alexander III Maria Feodorovna). In 1954 the Soviet […]
Khargushi Junction

The Khargushi Junction is located at the altitude of 4,091 to 4,344 above the sea level. It is a strategic point in linking Eastern and Western Pamirs. The highroad which goes from Langar village of Ishkoshim to the Alichur village of Murghob district passes through this junction and steppe. It is approximately 212 km far […]

Lake Zorkul is located in the eastern Pamirs between Ishkoshim and Murghob on the border of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. It stretches from the east to west for 25 km and covers an area of 87,700 hectares. The territory of the lake is 38, 9 square kilometers, it is located at an altitude of 4125 meters […]
Bulun-Kul Lake & Geyser

Bulun-Kul is located in the eastern part of the Alichur valley of the Murghab region at an altitude of 3700 m above sea level. Lake Bulunkul has a tectonic origin with a length 1.5-2 km and width – 200-500 m.The lake is mainly fed by the Koytezak river, but, in addition, numerous springs flow into […]

Yashilkul is one of the beautiful lakes in the Eastern Pamir. The length of the lake is 25km, its width is 4km, and its depth in some places reach 50 meters. The name of the lake is taken from Kirgyz language and means ‘Green Lake’. The water temperature does not exceed more than plus 14 […]
Aqtash Qarokul Junction

The Aqtash-Karakul junction is located at 95 km of the Murghob-Karakul highway and connects the Bartang valley with the Murghob foothills. At this intersection, tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the southern shore of Lake Qarakul (Black Lake in Turkish). The junction is located 25 km from the village of Qarakul. The lake is […]
Fedchenko Glacier

Fedchenko Glacier is the largest valley and mountain glacier not only in Tajikistan, but in the whole world. The length of the glacier is 77 km, its area is 650 square km, its thickness is 700 -1000 meters, and its width is up to 3-5 square km (an average of 1800m). Its total volume is […]