
Festival of Mehrgon, along with the Navruz, is one of the significant holidays of Arian culture, and both are closely related. When Navruz is vernal equinox and the festival of spring and sowing, Mehrgon is celebration of autumn equinox, abundance and rich harvest.

Festival of Mehrgon take its origins from B.C ages. Archeologists discovered an ancient wall fresco in the ancient city of Panjakent, dated VI-VII centuries, where an old man portrayed harvesting crops and putting it into a sack.

In Tajikistan this holiday was revived and added to the list of national holidays in 2009. This festival is celebrated by bringing stalls filled with harvested fruits, vegetables and berries, cooking traditional dishes, dressing national dresses, dances and singings.

Mehrgon is a perfect occasion to visit Tajikistan and take a dip into atmosphere of rich culture and ancient history. Moreover, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy the autumn landscapes of our land and taste freshly harvested fruits and vegetables.

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