Budhist Temple, Vrang Village

The Buddhist temple is in the Vrang village at an elevation of 2805 meter above the sea level. The distance from Khorog to Vrang is 170 km, and from the centre of Ishkoshim district, it is 69 km. The architectural form of this monastery is very interesting. It consists of five square buildings built on […]

The Town of Karon

The ancient town of Karon town is located at a distance of 8.5 km from the centre of Darwaz district, and above from the village of Ruzvai at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level on the mountain Zogik. Karon is a naturally inaccessible and protected area. Due to its size and grandeur, scholars […]


Festival of Mehrgon, along with the Navruz, is one of the significant holidays of Arian culture, and both are closely related. When Navruz is vernal equinox and the festival of spring and sowing, Mehrgon is celebration of autumn equinox, abundance and rich harvest. Festival of Mehrgon take its origins from B.C ages. Archeologists discovered an […]


Navruz is an ancient holiday, taking its origins from first century B.C. on territories of Ancient Persia, which includes the land of modern Tajikistan, and represents the vernal equinox. This holiday represents the start of new year and renovation of the nature. It’s celebrated in Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries, but is of a […]

Aqtash Qarokul Junction

The Aqtash-Karakul junction is located at 95 km of the Murghob-Karakul highway and connects the Bartang valley with the Murghob foothills. At this intersection, tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the southern shore of Lake Qarakul (Black Lake in Turkish). The junction is located 25 km from the village of Qarakul. The lake is […]

Garm Chashma

Множество термальных источников. Таджикистан известен своими термальными источниками, которые имеют лечебные свойства. Здесь можно попробовать различные процедуры на основе термальных вод.

The first destination located on the highroad between Khorog and Ishkoshim is Garm Chashma (literally meaning hot spring). The spring is located at the elevation of 2529 meter of the sea in the same village. The spring water contains sulphate-carbonate, chloride-hydrocarbonate and sodium-siliceous elements. The average annual temperature of the site is 6.70 ° C […]

The Pamir Highway

The Pamir Highway is one of the most picturesque roads in the world and the highest mountain road in the territory of the former USSR. It appeared in the 19th century. It is a high-altitude asphalt road in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) with a length of more than 700 km. The highway runs along […]

Fedchenko Glacier

Fedchenko Glacier is the largest valley and mountain glacier not only in Tajikistan, but in the whole world. The length of the glacier is 77 km, its area is 650 square km, its thickness is 700 -1000 meters, and its width is up to 3-5 square km (an average of 1800m). Its total volume is […]

Lake Sarez

Known as a sleeping dragon or a piece of blue jewellery -the famous Sarez Lake is located in between Eastern and Western Pamirs, the Rushon district of the GBAO. The length of the lake is 55.8 km. It is an absolute surface height of 3,263 m: maximum width of 3.3 km, and a maximum depth […]


Chiluchor Chashma is one of the remarkable freshwater springs in the Khatlon province. It is located on the right bank of the Kofarnihon river and is 12 kilometers to the west of Shahritus district. This is a well-known spring, and mausoleum in Nosiri Khusrav district of Khatlon region. The site is located at 230 km […]